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The Facebook ad spending in Virginia’s gubernatorial race is really ramping up for Terry McAuliffe (D) and Glenn Youngkin (R) as the race heads into the homestretch. Here is an update on all of the statewide candidates’ spending on Facebook advertising:

  • Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe has spent $98,499 during the last seven days advertising on Facebook.
  • Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin has spent $75,835 during the last seven days advertsising on Facebook.

  • The Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor Hala Ayala has spent $15,368 during the last seven days advertsing on Facebook.
  • The Republican nominee for lieutenant governor Winsome Sears has spent $0 during the last seven days advertising on Facebook.

  • The Democratic nominee for attorney general Mark Herring has spent $2,430 during the last seven days advertising on Facebook.
  • The Republican nominee for attorney general Jason Miyares has spent $0 during the last seven days advertising on Facebook.

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By vascope